Wednesday, March 26, 2014

mountain goats at 3:00 am

You know how some authors talk about waking up in the middle of the night with an amazing idea?

Not me.  Not ever.  

When I go to sleep, I sleep.  When I wake up, it's morning.

But last night I mis-set my alarm for 3:00 am.  (I have no idea how I managed to do that.)  Anyway, it was on vibrate so I must have gradually reached consciousness...and when my brain was awake enough to think in words, it kicked back to the impossible mountain goat poem I was working on for Four Famous Faces.  And somehow, it sorted itself out! 

No, I didn't scribble the idea down.  (I can't even find my shoes in my bedroom, much less a pen and paper!)  But I reset the alarm for 5:00 (good grief!), slept a bit, and began my day.  I sent the revision to Debbie (my editor) at 7:45, and things seem to be good to go.

Good news, right?  Yeah, but now I'm so tired I can hardly see straight.  As Dad would say, "Ohhhhh, you can't fly with the owls at night, and soar with the eagles in the daytime!"

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