Thursday, December 22, 2016

My new author website up and running . . .

Okay, folks. My new website site is up at   

I'm still in the process of adding information, but little by little it's coming together. When you arrive, use the sidebar on the left to start exploring.

If you have any questions about anything -- or if you'd like me to include more information about something -- please let me know. Thanks!

Friday, December 16, 2016

New Website in the Works

Hey Friends!

I hope you're all staying warm out there in cyberland. Here on the northern plains, we're getting snow and wind . . . and tomorrow we'll get more snow and wind . . . and tomorrow night the temp is supposed to bottom out at 26 below. That's the air temperature -- not the wind chill. Brrrr! 

Of course, my hubbie and I will be looking at each other, asking each other whose idea it was to move to South Dakota!  (It's the same discussion we've been having since 1986!)

Anyway, I'm getting ready to remove my ancient website -- probably the oldest website in cyberspace -- and am preparing to replace it with the new version. During the transition time you can still look at the old website or you can view the test site.  Little by little, I'll get the wrinkles out. (It's not like I plan to go anywhere this weekend!)  

If you have any comments, please let me know. Thanks!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Jean Patrick - Social Hermit No More . . .

Hey Everyone!

Those of you who know me know that I have no qualms about talking with kids (or adults) about books and writing. In fact, full auditoriums of kids don't scare me a bit.

But there's something about social media that is difficult for me -- I think it's the whole concept of communicating directly without being able to see faces, reactions, social cues, etc.

Anyway, I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and become active on social media.  Sooo, here's a couple places you can begin to see my progress and cheer me on.

*  My archaic website is still visible, but it's about to be replaced with a new version.  Right now, I'm still in the process of building, tweaking, rebuilding, tweaking, etc. You can take a look at its current form (test site) and tell me what you think:

* I've also put together a facebook author page under the name of Jean L.S. Patrick.  I've only posted a few times, but I've been having fun with Canva. (Who knew I could pretend to be a graphic designer???!)

* And, of course there's this blog, too...

Okay, so much for now. More later, right?