Sunday, August 21, 2016

I Found My Park

I'm back home after signing books at yesterday's Rapid City's "Find Your Park" celebration.

What a fun day! I knew there'd be booths from the area's national parks and monuments.  But, wow. So many other organizations had booths, too, including the Black Hills Raptor Center. At their booth, they had a great horned owl, a ferruginous hawk, and a smaller bird (an American kestrel, I think).

Of course, I met people, too. The first were tourists from flood-damaged Baton Rouge, Louisiana (who knew their arms and legs would be needed when they got back home). 

As the day went on, I talked with locals and visitors alike -- including Theodore Roosevelt and his secret service aide, dressed in period costumes from 1916.

But the four presidents from South Dakota Tourism took the cake, especially as they led the conga line to Phil Baker's music. Call me irreverent, but there's something hilarious about seeing George and TJ leading a conga line!  

Little did our first leaders know how much fun they'd be having in the future....

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Find Your Park!

Ever since the Olympics started, I've become a world-class couch potato.  (Quite an irony, huh?)  

But at the end of the week, I'll do a dismount from the davenport and head west.

On Saturday, August 20, I plan to be in Rapid City, South Dakota, for the "Find Your Park" celebration -- part of the National Park Service's centennial celebration.

The event will be held at "Main Street Square" in downtown Rapid City. I'll be at the Mount Rushmore Bookstores booth between 10:00-2:00.  Please stop in to say hi! 

But this isn't just about Mount Rushmore. The event will also be celebrating other national gems, including Badlands National Park, Wind Cave National Park, Jewel Cave National Memorial, and Devils Tower National Memorial. You'll find a ton of fun activities for all ages.

See you there!

For more information, visit Find Your Park